The Difference is Doing It

There is only one difference between the people who Do It and who Don't...Doing It!

Keep Doing It!

Why We Do It

The Difference is Doing It started as an idea long before the we ever dyed our first disc.  It spans much wider than disc golf, and kayaking, and camping, and all the other adventures we find ourselves in.  It’s a moniker that lifts us up off the couch and straight past all of the stupid fears and excuses that keep us from really living life.  It’s amazing where things can wonder to when you’re not afraid to fall on your face a few times along the way!  For us at TDIDI it eventually centered itself on the Zen experience found over the turntable spinning custom plastic out into the bags of fellow huckers!

We now use disc golf and our artistic fellowship to spread the word that sitting around wasting time glued to the TV or cell phone can not keep happening!  Every day is another opportunity at getting out there and Doing It not to wasted, and then to share it with someone.  Give someone something that will make them smile.  Share something you’re proud of.  MAKE something you’re proud of.  Inspire more people to see that Doing will simply make you happier than Not Doing and in turn, you may feel inspired even further.  Now, let’s Do It!

Fresh Off the Turntable

In short, what Doing It has all grown into for us is erecting a makeshift Disc Dyeing Studio out on my camper (The Box), that cranks out custom disc dyes for the TDIDI Army, while showing how to Do It yourself.  Below, fed in from our Instagram page, are the most recent creations to come spinning off the TDIDI Turntable out of The Box.  Want to see more?  Want one for yourself?  Click either of the buttons below to get started on your trip down the wormhole with us.

Hey now! TDIDI`s Disc Art Giveaway makes its` prodigal return with this steampunk machine disc ready to bang chains in any galaxy! Check out the full length tutorial and giveaway instructions here: Best of luck to all you huckers!

Keep Doing It!
#discgolfgiveaway #discgolfgiveaways #discdye #discdyes #discgolfdye #discgolfdyes #discgolfdyeing #discdyeing #discgolfart #customdiscs #customdiscdyes #spindye #discporn #discgolfdaily #discgolf #growthesport #ilovediscgolf #keepdoingit #tdidiarmy #tdidi

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Create Your Own Custom Disc

You know you want to!  I’ll bet you can even already see it in your head.  We’ve tried to make the process of bringing your vision to a reality easy by breaking it down into 3 simple steps: Pick a Disc, Pick a Design, and Pick a Style.  Click on the button below to be taken to our “Create Your Custom Form” and get started now!

1. Pick a Disc

Three options for picking a disc to dye:

  1. Choose one from our inventory of news discs across most all brands.
  2. Grab one off our friends over at and have it sent our way with Free Shipping.
  3. Send us one of your favorite discs from your bag.

2. Pick a Design

This is the fun part, let your imagination run wild!  We’ve put pretty much one of everything onto a piece of plastic at this point.  Maybe you want a funky geometric spiral, or maybe it’s Deadpool riding a unicorn farting rainbows, or maybe it’s your Tom Selleck looking Face!  Whatever it is, if you can think it up chances are we can ink it up.  Just send us your design idea, we’ll draft a couple stamp options for your review, then pick a winner and we start banging away on it.

it dolor

3. Pick a Style

Pick a Background Style:

Time Warps, Nebulai, Brain Veins, Lotion Swirls, Lotion Pours, Glue Swirls, Glue Pours, and more.

Pick a Spin Style:

Fades, Pinstripes, Glue Masks, Layered Spins, Off-Center Spins, Back Spins, Full Disc Spins, oh my!

Disc Dye Giveaway

This is my single favorite cog in the TDIDI engine! It’s just our little way of giving back to the sport we love so much, and doing our part to help it grow. Circle back every month for a new Disc Art Giveaway and your chance at a Free TDIDI Custom Disc Dye…and spread the word!

June: Smaug's Dragon Eye

I’ve lost track of how many LOTR and Hobbit themed discs we’ve done to this point, how ever many it’s still not enough.  Smaug’s eye has now officially made the list.  Catch the full tutorial along with instructions on how to enter the giveaway for a chance to bag it!  Check it all out below.

Keep Doing It!

Disc Dyeing Resources

Okay, this is the where the meat and potatoes of our site can be found.  We’ve done our best to compile a comprehensive collection of all the information and resources you’ll need to start tumbling down the Disc Dyeing Wormhole yourself.  From materials & supplies, to sites & software, to all the video tutorials you could ever want to watch, we’ve got you covered.  Click on any of the icons below to be taken to the place to be!


It's the obvious place to start, dyes. What to use? How and When to use them? All the info you'll need on the dyes we use and where to get them is waiting here.


Really there's dye and mediums in this game, and all the rest is window dressing. This list of mediums used to creatively transfer dye to the disc still continues to grow.


This list really could go on forever into entirety, and it's still expanding. But we've got all the basics from brushes, to McSquirterton bottles, to turntables covered for you in this section.

Video Tutorials

A couple years of posting disc dye tutorials on YouTube and live stream disc dyes on Facebook has fully ripened and is ready for harvest. Sift through our catalog of over 100 disc dye videos!

Software & Sites

Okay so maybe it takes a little more than a disc, some dye, and a bottle of cocoa butter. These are the places I go for inspiration and some of the resources I use for image preparation.


We've fielded a few questions along the way helping others as they tumble down the wormhole. This list of the most commonly asked seems to get longer every time I check back.

Banging Chains

That’s usually where you’ll find us. Catch up with the TDIDI Huck Crew and get the know the boys of The Difference is Doing It!

DISC Dye gallery

Check out some of the Disc Dyes spinning off of the turntables of the tremendously talented TDIDI Army!


I don’t know why we didn’t think of this earlier?!?  Our Dye-It-Yourself Kits have everything you need to take you first step down into the rabbit hole!

From Over the Turntable Blog

Browse Through the Archives

We are blessed here to have access to the prose and literary styling of one of the disc golf scenes’ most connected yet infamous characters.  He goes by several pseudonyms, some only spoken in a whisper, but around these parts we know him as X to the Z!  

Dyed to Life!

Alas, it is so much more then that golfer that is transformed by the changing of temps. No, believe you me, there is something even more alive thriving in your bag that will emerge “transformed” as time and the seasons droll by.

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You CAN’T ruin a disc!

We’re coloring what people used to call “frisbee’s” over here, let’s work on taking over the world after we made a few mistakes and create some kick ass art first, shall we?!

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Deep Thoughts by X to the Z

Our latest Blog by TDIDI’s own X->Z addresses an aged old question of where and how to find inspiration.  If you’re asking the right questions you’ll always land on just the right idea!  Click the post below to join us in another discussion that only the true disc dyeing geeks give a damn about!

Featured TDIDI Products

Check out some of the hot threads in our new line of TDIDI Apparel, Custom Dyed Discs, and Stickers to represent out on the course for the TDIDI Army!  This just in, all TDIDI Apparel is now stitched with special “Get your next Ace” threading!  Special thanks to our partners at Rust & Rose Custom Tees for all of their help managing our merchandise!

The Basics on Bone

Nickname: Bone, Boner, Wannabone

Age: Chris is the more than just the token Asian of our group, he’s also our only Millennial.

Area of Origin: Imported all the way over from under the rains of Seattle.

Prefered throwing style: Backhand and Overhand

Favorite throw: Signature Flip Flop Backhand Bomb

Favorite Driver: TDIDI custom Bone Huckface (Discmania Freak)

Favorite Fairway: The TDIDI custom Geometric Spiral Flick I stole out of Cobbers bag a couple years back.

Favorite Midrange: TDIDI custom Seattle Seahawks Skyline Innova Star Gator




Bone brings the laughter…once he finally arrives.  Seriously, try and get all the way through Hole 1 still mad at him for being late, again.  Slow as he may be getting there he’s always quick in the box, and quick with a crooked smile follow by his signature chuckle.  Along with having mastered the art of driving in flip flops, Bone helps our Huck Crew keep things light and always filled with the kind of laughter that hurts your stomach a little!  Get ’em Bone!

Favorite putter: The Judge, and the verdict is in! None of us can keep up with Bone’s short game.

Favorite course: How can you not pick Druid Hill?!? Three full 18 holes courses, awesome DG scene, and all the trees you could ever want to hit!

PDGA #: (none currently) They’re just giving those out now?

Interests outside of DG: Camping, fishing, tending to his whip, driving fast, video games, chasing Mila around the yard, pool parties, and the occassional good old fashion game of shot dog.

Sports outside of DG: Ball golf, basketball, kayaking, snow boarding, biking, can-jam, smash ball, played some mean offensive line back in the day, figure skating, and interpretive dance.

The Basics on Old Man Cobbers

Nickname: Old Man Cobbers, Cobbers, Bob Cobb, Bobby Digital, Digital

Age: Obviously the old man of the crew…the beard is greying quickly.

Area of Origin: In the outskirts of the City of Brotherly Love, Go Birds!

Preferred throwing style: Backhand and Overhand

Favorite throw: Man I wish I could still throw my Thumber! While the old wing is recovering we’ll say it’s the Anny Backhand.

Favorite Driver: Scott Semposki edition “Crooked Dome” Star Sidewinder

Favorite Fairway: Tough call, but I’m going with my Champion Leopard3. Second disc I ever spun on the turntable.

Favorite Middy: Greg Renfro edition “War of the Worlds” Westside Tournament Warship


"Old Man Cobbers"

With several decades traveling around the sun, and the most senior member of our Crew, Cobbers has earned the Old Man ribbing he takes from the rest of the group.  Through all the travels and up and downs along the way, there’s always been Disc Golf there to escape to and feel like a kid again.  You can usually find him seeking that buzz that comes from one ripping off your fingertips, or spinning another fancied up piece of plastic from off his turntable in The Box.

Favorite putter:  TDIDI custom “D in the B” Discraft Zepplin. Maybe one of these days I’ll figure out how to use it.

Favorite course: I’m a real sucker for the whole circuit of courses we regularly tour in this great state of Maryland from Kinder Farm Park, to Rockburn, to Druid Hill. But I’ll always be a Philly boy at heart, and after just one round at Sedgley Woods I knew I was home. Love that place!

PDGA #: (none currently) Afraid my rating would break the system.

Interests outside of DG: Kind of into disc dyeing, painting, fishing, camping, rebuilding my camper for a 2nd life on the road, giving Jojo NBA 2K lessons (and other video games), and piloting the TDIDI Warship.

Sports outside of DG: Basketball, kayaking, skiing, biking, billiards, darts, horseshoes, and football back in the glory days.

The Basics on Bommers

Nickname: Bommers, Boms, BomBoms, Tommy Buttcheeks, T-Cheekers

Age: He’ll never tell

Area of Origin: Straight from the center of Sin City, VEGAS BABY! Or maybe it’s from out in the cornfields of PA? Whatever, he’s here now.

Prefered throwing style: Forehand Flicker and the occasional Backhand

Favorite throw: The Flick…I just like to flick it.

Favorite Driver: Feel the wrath of the Wraith!

Favorite Fairway: Feel more of the wrath of the Wraith!

Favorite Middy: SKEETER! When you hear it yelled out good things are about to happen. …or more of the wrath of the Wraith!



Boms brings the energy!  Real piece of work that guy…  You can’t go a round without hearing him bellow out a “DEUCE”, or “UGH Upper Lipper”, or “OOOOHHH NOOOOOOO!”  Which ever it is, everyone always knows where we’re at on the course when Bommers is along announcing the good times.  He’s our group’s only regular forehand flicker and has honed his trusty Wraith in for virtually any spot on the course.  Get it Bommers!

Favorite Putter: Goes back and forth on every hole. Wizard to the Judge then back to the Wraith, seriously!

Favorite course: Boms loves that short to short layout at Calvert Road Park. Just don’t ask him to play from the long tees, Ace hunting is his thing!

PDGA #: (none currently) No chance they’d give him one.

Interests outside of DG: Camping, fishing, loves fixing and building stuff (usually after breaking it), video games, masterful with the camcorder, good food, and portion control.

Sports outside of DG: Kayaking, skiing, beer pong, cornhole, foosball, most all carnival games really (especially ringing the bell with that big hammer), can we count camping and fishing again here so I feel more like an athlete?

The Basics on 44

Nickname: 44, VP Incorporated, SPB

Age: Stopped counting years and started counting coins about 5 years back.

Area of Origin: Born here, raised here, probably die here.

Prefered throwing style: Backhand with a burgeoning Forehand Flick

Favorite throw: The 44 Hyzer Bomb

Favorite Driver: TDIDI custom Captain Caveman (Champion Blizzard Wraith)

Favorite Fairway: Innova DX Gazelle

Favorite Midrange: TDIDI custom US Gold Eagle Coin (Champion Mako3)

Favorite putter: Still sorting those putter things out. Since I can’t throw one it’s usually my KC Pro Roc, Mako3, or my driver after parking it.



Shawn is the rookie of the group who right after he started hucking ’em with us…broke his arm at work.  He got in more than enough beforehand though to catch the fever!  All healed up, now he’s back to slinging plastic with the boys and already challenging the top of our leader board.  It may take him forever to finally huck it, but it’s hard to argue with his methods as he out drives us all.  

Favorite course: Kinder Farm Park all the way! Pretty good chance you’ll find him on one hole or another almost every day of the week.

PDGA #: 129578, thanks mom and dad!

Interests outside of DG: Stacking gold and silver coins, playing poker, metal casting, taking my pitbull to the park and community beach, blowing off the meanest backyard firework displays you’ve ever seen, and trying to get my white boy rhythm back and improve my dance moves.

Sports outside of DG: May not have been blessed with what you’d call and athletic frame. More built to sling plastic than anything else, but I love kayaking, hiking, and getting dragged all over the park by my dog that weighs more than I do…really should be a sport!

The Basics on The Burkeman

Nickname: The Burkeman, Jojo, Stretch, Pipeline, White Lightning (so he says)

Age: Newly Wed (whole life ahead of him…)

Area of Origin: A true Annapolitan, Jojo holds the home field advantage.

Prefered throwing style: Backhand and Overhand

Favorite throw: Oh, it’s Hammertime! Many years of baseball, and a trebuche for a right arm, has Jojo deadly accurate with the Hammer and Thumber.

Favorite Driver: TDIDI custom Hammertime Champion Destroyer

Favorite Fairway: X to the Z edition Star Mamba

Favorite Midrange: Usually pull out my trusty Leopard for upshots. It’s all about the second shot baby!



"The Burkeman"

The Burkeman is without question The Spirit of our little Huck Crew.  We all have one of those friends who’s ready to Do It at the drop of a hat, whatever “It” is…that’s The Burkeman!  His energy is infectious and almost impossible to resist.  But really who’d want to?!?  He’s also our acting Sherpa having been born and raised in these parts.  Always ready to lead us into our next adventure, Jojo brings enough Doing It to keep our whole group going at all times!

Favorite putter: Does it really even matter when you can’t make any of them find the chains? Fine, my Aviar that I aptly named Dr. Hole Seeker MD.

Favorite course: Kinder Farm Park! Jojo grew up as a wee lad hucking his way though the woods of KFDGC. With around three full decades abusing the trees here, he has elevated himself to Sherpa status on these trails.

PDGA #: (expired)

Interests outside of DG: Mostly making his new wife happy, jamming out to old vinyl, long walks with Lefty, camping, fishing, taking endless lesson from Old Man Cobbers in NBA 2K, and most importantly being a bad ass disc golf dad to the newest member of his family and our Huck Crew!

Sports outside of DG: Basketball, baseball, ball golf, kayaking, skiing, biking, foosball, cornhole, darts and really any other sport that allows you to play with a beer in one hand.

The Basics on X to the Z

Nickname: X to the Z, Xander, The Gator, Del, Chris?

Age: Wizard level (above Harry Potter but younger than Gandalf)

Area of Origin: High atop the Pocono mountains

Prefered throwing style: Forehand and Backhand

Favorite throw: The hyzer flip

Favorite Driver: Prodigy 400g D2, Dynamic Discs Vandal, Innova Sidewinder, MVP Fission Photon

Favorite Fairway: Innova Leopard, Legacy Rival, Innova Firebird

Favorite Midrange: Axiom Theory, Innova Roc (all), DD Justice, Prodigy A1


Xander Zaretzit

"X to the Z"

Xander is a late addition to our crew, and the first member of the TDIDI Army to be officially indoctrinated into the TDIDI Huck Crew!  From Shakespearean level commenter on our videos, to long distance disc dyeing mentor, to ski trip bunk up, to huck buddy and friend, X is the actual embodiment of what makes the TDIDI Army so awesome.  Now, just another one of the stooges in our crew!

Favorite putter:  DD Keystone, Reptilian Disc Stego (quite possibly the MOST overstable disc in the known universe…cuz yeah, that’s how I roll.)

Favorite course: Villas Crossing, course no longer exists but at the time it was a divine design. Butter Valley DGC, Steal Club DGC, Blue Mountain DGC, and Muddy Run DGC are my runner ups.

PDGA #: (none currently)

Interests outside of DG: I’m a disc dyer as well as a cinephile (I like watching shows and movies) and a foodie.

Sports outside of DG: ski/snowboarding, biking, ice/inline skating, competitive eating (I just lose a lot).