TDIDI Army Barracks
Bunk Up and Hunker Down
You’ve stumbled yourself into the TDIDI Army Barracks. I know, what the heck is that?!? This is the unofficial home of the TDIDI Army! A place where we’ve tried to organize and celebrate as much as possible about what makes them so awesome. They are the foundation that holds The Difference is Doing It up and have earned their own little corner here on the interweb! There’s always room for another general in the TDIDI Army, in fact we’re actively recruiting. Enlist below and join us on our conquest to spread the TDIDI Doing It vibe.
The Power of The TDIDI Army
Who is the TDIDI Army
In short, you and me…and the rest us! The TDIDI Army materialized all on its’ own with no plan or foresight really. I don’t even remember how the name came about. It all kind of just happened seemingly at once, I turned around and there were 100’s then 1000’s of Doers standing under our TDIDI banner proudly holding disc dyes up in the air! “Check this one out!” continues to ring through the crowd as our numbers increase. Today the TDIDI Army is a collective of guys and gals who have given in to the addiction that comes with Doing It. It’s that buzz that creating ignites inside that pulls us all back for more, and pulls us together for that matter!
Stronger Together
As the ranks of the TDIDI Army have grown so has our collective talent and knowledge base. There are some seriously skilled artists and craftsmen and women scattered throughout the group who have helped to raise the bar for all of us. It’s more than just the techniques and tricks of the talented circulating that have strengthened this company though. The constant flow of new ideas and inspiration seem to be the real power in our growing numbers.
The Circle of Inspiration
It all culminates into a Circle of Inspiration that just keeps on spinning and spinning. From the ideas that endlessly circulate through all of us, out then to our turntables, and on to the fingertips ripping a perfect drive the Circle of Inspiration spins! The TDIDI Army has effectively harnessed that inspiration and turned it into not only some seriously hot plastic, but a sustainable source of energy to forever fuel the mother ship…and the Circle of Inspiration spins!
The Latest Work From The TDIDI Army
The hits just keep on coming out of the TDIDI Army! Every day this feed changes and evolves as the basement disc dyer from all over the world decide to take the plunge into the wormhole. Share your latest “Check this one out!” creation here and the inspiration that flows from it by tagging your work with #TDIDIArmy on Instagram. Our vacuum sucker will grab it and dump it straight into this galley for the whole TDIDI Army to see! Click on any picture to open up the full post, or the button at the bottom to be taken to the full TDIDI Army Disc Dye Gallery.
TDIDI: From the front lines
Featured TDIDI Army General
This month we would like to shine the spotlight on TDIDI Army General Alan Ekery. He is one of the true TDIDI OG’s who have been there from the very beginning supporting the TDIDI cause. His journey as a disc dyer has paced ours in many ways, while at the same time branching off into a style he has etched out as all his own. Check out some of his work below, or visit Ride the Glide Dyed Golf Discs via the links under his smiling Ace Face to get a full dose! Keep your eyes open for his coming Etsy store selling discs, acrylic pour paintings, and jewelry.
Keep Doing It Alan!
Disc Art Giveaway
Winner's Wall
For just over two years now we’ve been whipping up a TDIDI custom disc dye every month to be given away to one lucky hucker in the TDIDI Army. It’s easily one of my favorite parts of the whole operation! Every time I think about whoever won tearing into their package with excitement to check it out, I can’t wait to get started on the next one. It’s been an easy way to say “Thank You” to all of you out there who have supported us and helped spread the TDIDI Vibe. It really does mean the world to us! Next month’s giveaway is right around the corner, click the button below to subscribe to our YouTube Channel where it all goes down. You could be the next lucky hucker posing here on our Winner’s Wall!
"Why I Love Disc Golf Soooo Much!"
We asked the TDIDI Army one of life’s most important questions during a recent Disc Art Giveaway, “Why do you love Disc Golf soooo much?” As usual they came correct with much more than the typical pre-canned answers that we’ve all heard before, tapping into the true spirit of Disc Golf and the freedom it bring us all. You’ll find some of these scatter throughout the TDIDI Army Disc Dye Gallery as well, but reading them all together at once comes with a different impact that felt worthy of sharing here.
The Courses the
TDIDI Army Call Home
All of these pictures flipping by were sent in by TDIDI Army Generals around the globe to show off some of the beauty of the courses they call home. You’ll find some of them used in different spots all over our website, but just like the “Why I Love Disc Golf” quotes above they pack a real punch all displayed together. Enjoy a stroll through some of the TDIDI Army’s favorite hucking holes, give a click on any of them for the larger version.
The TDIDI Army wants YOU!
Feeling like it’s time to enlist in the TDIDI Army yourself and join this group of Doers? Good news is the enrollment process is pretty easy. Just follow us on any of our social media platforms below to get plugged directly in to this crew of bad mother huckers. Our YouTube Channel is where you’ll find most of our Disc Dyeing Tutorial content and is the home of our Monthly Disc Art Giveaways. Instagram is the place to keep up with our newest creations, and those spinning off TDIDI Army Turntables all over the planet. Finally, Facebook is where we broadcast our weekly Live Stream Disc Dye sessions, and the place we bring everything else together dishing out daily Doing It content!
TDIDI YouTube Channel
YouTube is where it all started for us. Who would have guessed a few time lapse videos of drawing on my discs with Sharpies could have grown into all this?!? This is the home of our Disc Dye Tutorials, Monthly Disc Art Giveaways, a whole bunch of Disc Golfing videos, and a few other sprinklings of Doing It here and there. One way or another we try to keep the TDIDI airwaves broadcasting content via our YouTube Channel that have the Army coming back for more. Below is the newest drop, or you can start with the playlists on the right to catch up with your own binge session!
YouTube Playlists
Disc Golf Art & Tutorials
Disc Dyeing Music & Inspiration
Disc Golfing with TDIDI
The Sound of Disc Golf
Disc Golf DIY Projects
TDIDI on Facebook
Facebook has become our main content feed to connect with the TDIDI Army, pretty much all of our other platforms feed into it. We pump it full of all different kinds of disc golf and Doing It type stuff on the daily. We’ve basically tried to make it a dope place for the TDIDI Army to hang out together when they’re not on the course.
Monthly Giveaways
Following us on Facebook is probably the best way to stay on top of our Monthly Giveaways and make sure you get in early. We keep it pinned to the top of the page, all you have to do is follow the link to enter…and share it with huck buddy!
Daily Disc Golf Content
We try to get something disc golfy up on our Facebook page everyday. Whether it’s our latest TDIDI custom, a video clip of one of us kind of sucking at disc golf, or another live stream disc dye session, we keep the content coming over on Facebook.
Weekly Live Streams
Let’s call it “Weekly-ish Live Stream Disc Dye Sessions” going down not only on our Facebook page, but cross-streaming to YouTube and Twitch as well. Sometimes we’re working on a commissioned order, other times experimenting with some new technique, every time we’re having a ton of fun hanging out with the TDIDI Army while we get it done. You’ll also catch us going live from out on the course occasionally chasing that next Ace!
Check out one of our most recent Live Stream Disc Dye session above. This is our first with all of the new fancy streaming equipment my baby sister got for me! It’s about to start getting real hi-tech up in here!
TDIDI on Instagram
Every disc (suitable for all audiences) to come spinning off the TDIDI turntable finds its’ way onto our Instagram page. We use Instagram not only to reach all of the millenials that gave up on Facebook long ago, but also to give more of a behind the curtain look at the process with more pictures of the steps taken along the way with each disc. Our favorite part of TDIDI IG has undoubtedly become all of the activity to keep up with at #TDIDIArmy!