TDIDI Army Galleries
Prepare To Be Inspired
Every disc here below (and there’s a lot them) represents someone in the TDIDI Army deciding that The Only Difference is Doing It, and giving it a try. There are few things that motivate me more than waking up to another batch of “Check this one out!” pictures from our newest general. I couldn’t help but to just dump as many of those pictures as possible into this page. As the TDIDI Army grows in both numbers and talent, the tidal wave of inspiration that comes with it approaches overwhelming levels. If you’re not brimming over with enough inspiration to make the jump yourself by the time you get to the bottom of this page, you’re in the wrong place. There’s still room for loads more, be the next Doer to dive head first into the wormhole…and send us some pics on the way down!
The "Check this One Out!" Gallery
Without question my favorite part of piloting this crazy TDIDI Battleship is waking up almost every morning now to another set of pictures from someone captioned with, “Check this one out!” This gallery holds as many of those pictures as I could cram into one webpage. Sprinkled in along with all of their creations are direct quotes from TDIDI Army Generals far and wide sharing their answer to the eternal question, “Why do you love Disc Golf sooo much?” Mouse over any picture to reveal the artists’ name, or give a click for a larger version.

The very latest from #TDIDIARMY
It didn’t take long to realize that the flow of “Check this one out!” pictures was getting too strong to be able to display them all here in one gallery, but we wanted to really bad. So here’s the solution…#TDIDIArmy. Tag your work on Instagram with #TDIDIArmy and our special vacuum sucker will grab and dump it right into this feed forever showing off the newest TDIDI Army Disc Dyes! Keep smashing that “Load More…” button on the bottom for a larger and larger dose.
My 1st singles tournament of the season coming up on the 16th! Got these dyed up to represent #thekastaplastmint 💚 while I carve up the course... hopefully 😅 Wish me luck 🤞🏻🍀
Check the link in my bio on Instagram to see what`s available in the new online store!
#discdye #discdyeing #discdyes #discdyesofinstagram #discdyers #spindye #discgolfart #discgolflife #discgolf #tdidiarmy #thedifferenceisdoingit #dyenamicdyes #dyeemandflyem #itsdyenamic #teamdyenamicdyes #teamkastaplastmint #letskastaplast #kastaplast ...
Big Man Blastoise on a streamlinediscs Parachute
Little unfortunate bleed but overall, I love the cell bed dye that he`s sitting on.
#afterlyfedyes #afterlyfe #discgolf #growthesport #growdiscgolf #tdidi #discgolfdyes #dyeddiscs #tdidiarmy #dyeddiscsflybetter #streamlinediscs #streamline #blastoise #bigmanblastoise #pokemon #pokemonart #anime #catch #teamhyzercreep #hyzercreepdiscgolf #hyzercreepcult #discfam #teamdiscfam ...
I had a blast over at the compound. We filmed the process of contouring and blending skin tones. Video coming soon!! Would love to make some more vintage beauties. Holla!! This one is on a mvpdiscsports Proxy.
#dyersguild #discgolf #discgolfdyes #frisbeegolf #frisbee #frolf #pdga #growthesport #dyeddiscsofinstagram #dyeddiscsflybetter #discdye #dyeddiscs #discgolfart #disc #discgolfgirls #dyeddisc #discgolfart #sendit #prochemicalanddye #makeart #tdidiarmy #pinup #vintage #retro #bluehair ...
NFSOT. Custom dye job. It’s like if Dexter Morgan’s specialty involved unicorn blood.
Thank you as always for your support loverofdsushi! I hope this Stal flies true for you!
And as always, I do custom dye work! See a design you love, and want it on a disc you bag? DM me with your request and I’ll put this or any other design you vibe with onto a disc of your choice!
#discgolf #discgolfeveryday #discgolfdaily #discgolfaddict #gothrow #getoutandthrow #discdye #discdyes #discdyesofinstagram #discart #discgolfdye #sunchaserdiscdyes #discgolfdyes #prochemicalanddye #discgolfdyesofinstagram #discgolfart #tdidiarmy #dyeddisc #dyeddiscsflybetter #customdye #customdiscdye #dyersguild #kastaplast teamkastaplast #K1 #stal ...
Did a matching set of overstable approach discs for cody_os_discgolf and I before Ledgestone this year. They came out sweet!
#tdidiarmy #dyeddisc #discgolf #discgolfdyes #dyediscsflybetter #invaderzim #gir #doomsong #floetrol #stencil #cells #art #rainbow #teamluckydiscgolf #prochem ...
This was NOT easy to get pictures of 😅
🌈 Cells🌈
#discgolf #discgolfart #discgolfeveryday #discgolflife #customdyeddiscs #jomezpro #discdyeing #floetrol #prochemicalanddyes #discdyeing #gluebed #cricut #floetrolbed #dyeddiscs #artistsoninstagram #dyesbybeans #discraftdiscs #innovadiscs #kastaplastdiscs #lonestardiscs #customdiscs #frisbeegolf #tdidiarmy #shavingcreamdyes #pdga #iDyePoly #trendingaudio #trendingreels ...
💚 THANK YOU!!! I recently won a giveaway from c3_print_shop, and check out what I got!
Also check out the printing he does!!
Sidenote, I am super excited to try out what looks to be the chalkiest of chalk bags ☁️
Thank you Nick!!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!
🛍 Shop link in LinkTree!!
#discgolf #discgolfdyes #discdye #discdyes #dyeddisc #discgolflife #innovahawkeye #discgolfduds #discgolfprint #innovadiscs #thankyou #discgolfwin #discgolfcommunity #femaleartist #discgolflove #dyeddiscsflybetter #dyeartist #discdyesofinstagram #discgolfgirls #discgolfwomen #discdyers #discdyersofinstagram #tdidi #tdidiarmy #d3c #discdyeingdotcom #growthesport #supportsmallbusiness #supportart #discdyesbyemily ...
thoughtspaceathletics Glow Pathfinder
NEADGC // 168g
This disc is in my bag. DM if interested in something similar. This is the result from the bed in my previous post. Upset with how little of the purples and greens showed up but happy overall.
#pathfinder ...
❤️ dylanincursive and I went out and got a round in at the Brent Hambrick Memorial Disc Golf Course yesterday! If you’re in the Columbus area it’s a must play.
His shot may have gone long through the bushes, but don’t worry, I definitely early released it across the road 👍😂 sorry that’s not on film lol…
Also, look good play good 🔥
There’s also a sale going on in my stories! Now until tmrw morning around 9. Go check it out!!
🛍 Shop link in LinkTree!
#discgolf #discgolfdyes #discdye #discdyes #dyeddisc #discgolflife #discgolfcommunity #femaleartist #discgolflove #dyeddiscsflybetter #dyeartist #silasbackus #hyzersociety #brenthambrickmemorialdgc #discgolfdrive #discdyesofinstagram #discgolfgirls #discgolfwomen #discdyers #discdyersofinstagram #tdidi #tdidiarmy #d3c #discdyeingdotcom #growthesport #supportsmallbusiness #supportart #discdyesbyemily ...
"Cole me down on the panny sty" -Pootie Tang- dyed on this bottom stamped Discraft ESP Buzzz. Who all remembers this movie?! Shout out to neighbor199 for always requesting the most fun dyes!
#PaperDiscDyes #discraft #esp #buzzz #pootietang #discdye #discdyeing #discart #pootie #702 #discgolf #discdyersofinstagram #tdidiarmy ...
Onto the 2nd part of day two. After dye_academy, we took a trip to Northwood Black to catch a little MPO action. To finish off the day, we hit up the Flymart. What a great way to end the day! it was awesome to meet my fellow dyers!! wedyeyoufly galacdisc_customs greazydyes dyerandiscs throwjoes_
Everyone of you do amazing work and was a pleasure to check it out in person.
Can`t wait to do it again today and hopefully meet some more of you guys
#tdidi #tdidiarmy #discgolfdye #discgolfdyes #discgolfart #discdyeing #dyeddisc #dyeddiscsflybetter #discdyesofinstagram #idyediscs #discgolflife #discgolfeveryday #disc #growthesport #discgolfing #discgolfer #disclife
#discgolfporn #gothrow #discgolfusa #discporn #punkrockdiscgolf #customdye #customdiscs #customdye #ledgestone #flymart #ledgestoneflymart ...
Day 2 at ledgestone was fantastic. Started the day out down at dye_academy, where everyone in attendance got a great class on the basics of floetrol beds from Jeff. We were also treated to a glue bed lesson from the one and only differenceisdoingit. It was great to see all the wonderful people sending their first plastic into a bed of their own design. I sent two myself. The first is a floetrol pour and swipe over a recycled glue bed on a westsidegolfdiscs harp. The second is a glue bed with a swirl and picked design on discraftdiscgolf Buzz.
#tdidi #tdidiarmy #discgolfdye #discgolfdyes #discgolfart #discdyeing #dyeddisc #dyeddiscsflybetter #discdyesofinstagram #idyediscs #discgolflife #discgolfeveryday #disc #growthesport #discgolfing #discgolfer #disclife
#discgolfporn #gothrow #discgolfusa #discporn #punkrockdiscgolf #customdye #customdiscs #customdye #ledgestone #disccraft #westsidediscs ...
Don`t be shy like this guy! This Fuzion Burst Judge is available now on my page for any #teamjudge throwers looking for a unique addition to your bag! 😎
#dynamicdiscs #dynamicdiscssquad #trilogy #judge #discdye #discdyeing #discdyes #discdyesofinstagram #discdyers #spindye #discgolfart #discgolflife #discgolf #tdidiarmy #thedifferenceisdoingit #dyenamicdyes #dyeemandflyem #itsdyenamic ...
Use #TDIDIARMY to show off your work here!
More, Give Me More!!!
The easiest and best way to get your “Check this one out!” pictures in front of us is by tagging your work with #TDIDIArmy on Instagram. We get it though if you’re still catching up to social media like Old Man Bob Cobb. Just fill out this form on the right and attach a couple of pics. Few things get us going like the juice of another new disc dyer tumbling down into the wormhole with the rest of us!