The Artist
About the Artist
Old Man Bob Cobb
Honestly it’s still weird calling myself an artist. It’s not too far back that I was hanging off of roofs everyday doing exterior construction. But life can be tricky like that. After mine was all shaken up, and the trivial idols I once bowed to had a chance to fade away, I stumbled into finding my happiness again over the turntable.
The extent of my “official” art training stretches back a few decades to some of the terribly boring classes I sat through in my youth, forcing me to flip the notebook over and start doodling on the other side. Before long the backs of all my binders and books were covered with hand drawn collages of logos, caricatures, and cartoons, and my friends were asking if I could do it to there’s too.
It’s that same Zen escape from the mundane, frivolous, and ridiculous that eventually pulled me back into artistic expression again later in life. It really is as simple as the turntable starts spinning and “the rest of it all” just sheds off…and I want to Keep Doing It.

Where It All Began
Everyone Remembers their First!
Little did I know this crappy looking logo drawing on the back of my old beat up putter would be the inspirational seed that would eventually grow into a massive beanstalk! Many more detailed Sharpie drawings would follow, dawning most all of the discs in my bag, and eventually the rest of the TDIDI Huck Crew’s as well. Until inevitably the desire to take it to the next level was too strong to resist any longer. It was time to really start Doing It!

Soon enough Sharpies gave way to permanency in the forms of iDye Poly and Worm Dip, and before I knew it I was tumbling down the wormhole we call Disc Dyeing. These 5 discs mark the start of that phase which has been growing and maturing ever since. Constantly learning new techniques and tricks with an endless list still to cover, hundreds and hundreds of discs dyed, loads of new crazy friends, it’s really been a wild trip with no end in sight yet.
But I’ll always remember my firsts!
It's All About the Journey
A wild journey so far indeed! One that has twisted and turned through countless discs already. These below are some of my hand picked personal favorites to come spinning off the turntable so far. They may look awesome and all, but really each one of them marks a moment that came with “that feeling” you get when you Keep Doing It that’s almost insatiable. Eventually you start Doing It well and pride creeps in. The kind that has you holding your new creation up in the air like a trophy when it’s finished, while already thinking about the next one and how you can get just a little bit better on it…and the journey continues! Thanks for joining us on it, can’t wait to see where it all leads next! Keep Doing It!
In the Bag...if you care
Honestly I never would have imagined myself making one of these videos…who the heck cares what I’m hucking?!? But eventually after enough poking and prodding from the TDIDI Army, I did indeed saddle up to this age old bench that sits outside my camper and take a stroll through the bag for the camera. If for some reason you haven’t gotten enough and you’re one of the few who cares what Old Man Cobbers is hucking out there then you’ve wandered into the right place.